Services - mass- & energy-balances

Energy and environment are major concerns for the future economy, whereof the metal winning is representing one important sector of today`s economy. While such mass- and energy-balances were one of the last steps in past process developments, nowadays we face the requirement of such tools already at the very beginning of a project forming the base for first stop/go decissions. Utilizing various tools such as thermodynamic databases and models developed for different process sectors, allow a specialization into the above described requirements and the visualization of process parameters in a certain accuracy that form the base for a bankable feasibility or similar evaluations.

Contact details

  • proMET Metallurgische Prozesstechnik GmbH
  • Officepark 1, TOP B/2
  • 1300 Wien-Flughafen / Austria

  • company registration nr.: 242635t, LG Korneuburg
  • VAT-nr.: ATU57627269

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